Christina Wherry Christina Wherry

A Zodiac Guide to Self-Massage for Busy Women

Juggling work, family, and personal life, busy women and mothers often neglect self-care. But what if self-care could be a quick and targeted routine you can integrate into your day? Enter the magic of self-massage! It reduces stress, eases tension, and promotes relaxation – all essential for the modern superwoman.

Did you know that astrology offers another layer of personalization for your self-massage routine?

Each zodiac sign is associated with specific body parts and areas of vulnerability.

Here's how your sign can guide your self-massage practice:

  • Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): Fire signs are known for their energy and passion. This can manifest as tension in the head, heart, and upper body. Consider scalp massages, facial rollers, back rubs, or heart-opening yoga poses.

  • Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): Earth signs are grounded and practical, but they can carry stress in their necks, digestive systems, and bones. Gentle neck massages, abdominal massages, and self-massage techniques focusing on joints and bones can be helpful.

  • Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): Air signs are intellectual and social, but they can hold tension in their arms, hands, lower backs, and ankles. Focus on self-massage techniques for wrists, forearms, hands, lower back, calves, and ankles. Consider incorporating ankle stretches.

  • Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): Water signs are deeply emotional and intuitive. They may experience tension in the chest, stomach, reproductive organs, and feet. Soothing abdominal massages, chest rubs, pelvic massages (for those comfortable), yoni steaming (for Scorpio), and foot massages or reflexology can be beneficial.

  • Aries (March 21 - April 19): Feeling the pressure? Relieve tension headaches with a scalp massage or use a jade roller to de-puff your face.

  • Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Carry the weight of the world on your shoulders? Ease neck tension with gentle massage or focus on your throat chakra with acupressure techniques.

  • Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Texting thumbs got you down? Relieve wrist and hand strain with self-massage or acupressure.

  • Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Feeling stressed or overwhelmed? A gentle abdominal massage or chest rub can be incredibly soothing.

  • Leo (July 23 - August 22): Heart feeling heavy? A back massage or heart-opening yoga poses can help release tension and promote relaxation.

  • Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Digestive woes got you down? Self-massage techniques focusing on the stomach and intestines can bring relief.

  • Libra (September 23 - October 22): Feeling out of balance? A lower back massage or kidney detox massage can help restore harmony.

  • Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Release emotional baggage with a pelvic massage or yoni steam (consult your healthcare provider for guidance).

  • Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Feeling restless? A deep tissue thigh massage or hip-opening yoga poses can work wonders.

  • Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Carrying the weight of the world? Relieve joint and bone tension with self-massage focusing on knees and joints.

  • Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Feeling grounded? A calf massage or ankle stretches can improve circulation and ease discomfort.

  • Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Feeling worn down? Pamper yourself with a luxurious foot massage or a rejuvenating reflexology session.

Remember, this is just a starting point! Explore different self-massage techniques and find what works best for you. By incorporating a zodiac-inspired self-massage routine into your day, you'll be taking a step towards a more relaxed, balanced you. So, light some candles, put on calming music, and pamper yourself under the guidance of the stars!

Comment below!

Share your zodiac sign and what self-massage techniques you find most helpful.

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Christina Wherry Christina Wherry

Journey to Inner Peace: 7 Transformative Steps That Ignited My Serenity

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding inner peace can feel like a distant dream. However, my personal journey has taught me that it's not an elusive goal but a gradual process.

Here are seven pivotal moments that marked my path towards connecting with inner peace:

1. Mindful Mornings: Embracing the Power of Sunrise

Each day begins with a blank canvas, and I discovered that dedicating the first moments of my morning to mindfulness and gratitude sets a positive tone for the entire day. The serene beauty of sunrise became a daily reminder of the inherent calm within me.

2. Letting Go of the Past: The Liberation of Forgiveness

Unresolved past experiences can be heavy baggage. I found that forgiving myself and others was a crucial step towards lightening that load. Letting go of grudges allowed me to free up mental space for more positive and uplifting thoughts.

3. Nature's Therapy: Communing with the Great Outdoors

Spending time in nature has a remarkable ability to soothe the soul. Whether it's a walk in the park, a hike in the mountains, or simply sitting by the ocean, the healing power of nature played a pivotal role in my journey towards inner peace.

4. The Art of Mindfulness Meditation: A Journey Inward

Introducing mindfulness meditation into my daily routine became a profound tool for self-discovery. Learning to be present in the moment and observing my thoughts without judgment helped me cultivate a sense of inner calm and awareness.

5. Gratitude Journaling: Cultivating a Positive Mindset

Keeping a gratitude journal shifted my focus from what I lacked to what I had. Expressing gratitude daily for even the smallest joys and blessings created a positive mindset that became a magnet for inner peace.

6. Embracing Impermanence: A Lesson from Life's Changes

Life is in a constant state of flux, and learning to embrace impermanence was a turning point in my journey. Accepting that change is inevitable allowed me to navigate life's uncertainties with greater ease and a sense of inner stability.

7. Mindful Breathing: The Power of a Calm Breath

The simple act of paying attention to my breath proved to be a potent anchor during turbulent times. Developing a mindful breathing practice became my go-to tool for finding serenity in the midst of chaos.

Embarking on the journey to inner peace is a personal and unique experience. These seven transformative steps have guided me towards a more serene and fulfilling life, and I hope they inspire others to embark on their path to inner tranquility as well.

Through self-love, mindful practices, empowerment, gratitude, non-judgment, nature connection, and a supportive community, I've discovered a deeper connection with inner peace. Join us on this transformative adventure and let's continue to grow together towards a more peaceful and fulfilling life. Visit Christina's YouTube channel here to start your own journey today.

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Self Love Journey, Beach Body Christina Wherry Self Love Journey, Beach Body Christina Wherry

Bringing Back Body Positivity This Summer: No Matter Your Body

Bringing Back Body Positivity This Summer: No Matter Your Body


Summer is fast approaching.


This summer is about embracing our bodies. Loving our skin. And what better way than sun bathing and splashing about in the ocean.


Sit back and take the time to spend summer, your way. So, what better way than lounging in the sun, gathering like spirits on the beach?


Swimwear is one of the most stressful and intimidating clothing items out there for women. In society today, overcoming that anxiety and feeling confident in yourself and your body isn’t always easy. That’s why when it comes to pool parties or trips to the beach, many don’t view them as a safe, body-positive place.


Over the last few years, the phrase body positivity has grown experientially. With more people than ever finding the confidence within their bodies and themselves. To love themselves for who they are. From its foundations in Fat Activism and Healthy At Every Size campaigns, body positivity nurtures a healing message. After decades of body hate within society.


Body positivity comes from self-love and embracing who you are. Bringing it into mainstream conversations for fashion and plus-sized models. Showing you that it doesn’t matter what body type, size, or shape you are, you are beautiful.


Every body is a beach body. No matter your size, loving your body and feeling confident is what matters. Having safe spaces to express yourself is one of the most important factors for embracing who you are. Get that swimsuit you’ve been eyeing up and rock it no matter your size, ability, age, or gender. Go out and be with people and friends who make you feel good about yourself


With talk of beach bodies and getting summer ready, fatphobia is at an all-time high. But having events such as inclusive, plus size pool parties brings people together. Bringing to life newfound confidence. Beach parties designed to create a safe atmosphere for women. A place to feel confident in their bodies and changing body positivity for the better. It’s about women having a safe space to wear their swimsuits without judgement. Surrounded by positivity and soul care, continuing the healing message. Because we know even something as simple as a pool party has a powerful impact.


Take the empowering pool party scene from the TV show Shrill for example. Protagonist Annie attends a Fat Babe Pool Party for a writing assignment. Amidst dancing, the other women give Annie the confidence to show off her swimsuit and jump into the pool. A powerful moment in a world where phrases like “bikini body” are still prevalent.


This summer we’re saying goodbye to stereotypes around “beach bodies”. Dedicated to living our best lives. So it’s time to embrace your body, love your body, and have fun with your body.


It’s your body, it’s your summer. Enjoy them both.


Will you be joining us for our summer beach party?



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Christina Wherry Christina Wherry

Introducing Thick Girl Yoga LA

It all begins with an idea.

 A Place Where You Can Freely Release Your Inner Goddess


Remember the good old days when we were young and carefree? We lived unbothered by life's hardships and struggles. Each day was a miracle and a blessing we did not take for granted. We stayed away from the things that did not set our souls on fire, and we only pursued the things we loved. However, somewhere along the way, life doused the fire inside us with responsibilities, disappointment, fear, anxiety, and failure.


While we struggled to juggle our family, friendships, career, finances, and health, we dropped the most important ball. We traded the young curious, and passionate girl for a mature woman who is disconnected from herself, living on autopilot.


As we grow older, it takes a lot more effort to know who we are, what we truly want, and what we are willing to do for it. We get occupied with goals, plans, and expectations. If we do not frequently stop to glance inwards, we will miss our essence and purpose in this world. We will get so busy chasing everything else that we will abandon the things that matter most.


Here's where Thick girl yoga comes in. At Thick Girl Yoga LA, we use yoga to connect to our true selves through the breath, body, and mind union. We are focused on self-healing, life empowerment, and soul care. We aim to create a safe and inviting healing space for all women on different levels of their healing journeys.





Thick Girl LA offers a community of like-minded, supportive, honest women committed to learning, growing, and healing. Every woman in Thick Girl Yoga LA can feel safe and vulnerable enough to open herself up and let healing happen. The environment is safe and judgment-free.

Thick Girl yoga is more than a 'yoga class’; it is a way of life.




We are a sum of our experiences. Our successes, victories, failures, fears, losses, and disappointments influence our personalities and temperaments and make us who we are. The invalidating words and actions of the people we connect with throughout our lives are powerful and come together to form clouds of negativity that hover over us.


Thick Girl Yoga LA helps women release themselves from the past and break away from the negativity that clouds their lives.


We all need healing from something; Bad parenting, failed and toxic relationships, lost friendships, anxiety, fear, and trauma. Thick Girl Yoga LA is a safe space for every woman - because we all need healing.




With yoga, meditation, and self-healing

Thick Girl Yoga LA makes the mental and physical wellness journey easier. From womb wellness to body positivity, we are the embodiment of holistic female wellness. When you are healthy and well, you can connect better with yourself and follow your bliss fearlessly.


Gift yourself good things. Awaken the goddess within you and live a purposeful life. You do not have to go back to being a child to live a passionate and fulfilling life. You can join us today and make the most of your present.

If we do not frequently stop to glance inwards, we will miss our essence and purpose in this world. We will get so busy chasing everything else that we will abandon the things that matter most.

Here's where Thick Girl Yoga LA comes in. At Thick Girl Yoga LA, we use yoga to connect to our true selves through the breath, body, and mind union. We are focused on self-healing, life empowerment, and soul care. We aim to create a safe and inviting healing space for all women on different levels of their healing journeys.



Ananda in the Himalayas, (2020, Apr 30), Emotional Healing with Yoga,

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